Call Parking
Call parking causes confusion for many users so we have prepared this note to assist you.
Call Parking With BLF Buttons
Our typical configuration (Snom 710, 720 & 760 phone) is to have a minimum of two (2) buttons programed to correspond with two (2) call park locations. Typically these park locations are 1001 and 1002. If a call is currently parked then the corresponding BLF 1) button will light to indicate the call in the park location.
Parking a call is accomplished with what is refereed to as a supervised transfer. The following procedure will allow you to park a call.
- Press the BLF button that corresponds park location that you want to use. If you wait before you proceed to Step 2 you will hear the number of the park location you selected read back to you. You do not need to listen to this number you can proceed immediately to step 2.
- Press Transfer Twice
- Hangup or press X
- If you press the transfer button first and then the park key you may park the call but this will not allow the call to come back to your phone if the park timer expires. While this method will work in many cases it is not a supported method and will yield unpredictable results in your call handling and can result in dropped calls when the park timer expires.
- To recover the call from the park location simply press the lighted park BLF button that corresponds with the park location you placed the call into in Step 1 above.
Call Parking Without BLF Buttons:
On phones that do not have physical BLF keys (Snom 810 & 870) or do not have BLF keys defined for park locations use the following procedure.
- Press Hold
- Dial the park extension typically 1000. Wait for the read back of the park location. This is typically a number between 1001 and 1004.
- Press Transfer Twice
- Hangup or press X
To recover the call from the park location simply dial the number that was read back to you in step 2 and the call will be transfered to your current extension/phone.
- If you press the transfer button first and then the park key you may park the call but this will not allow the call to come back to your phone if the park timer expires. While this method will work in many cases it is not a supported method and will yield unpredictable results in your call handling and can result in dropped calls when the park timer expires.
- This procedure will work on phones with BLF buttons as well.
Call Parking From An M9/M9R Cordless Phone
Parking a call from an M9/M9R is a little more complicated. If you have phones with BLF button(s) then you will typically have two (2) park locations 1001 and 1002. If you have phones without BLF buttons then you will typically have four (4) park locations 1001-1004.
To park a call from your M9/M9R cordless phone use the following procedure.
- Press #9
- Dial 1000. Wait for the read back to verify the location you parked the call to. If you receive a busy signal there are no park position available and you will need to recover the call and start over.
- Hangup
- To recover the call from the park location simply dial the number that was read back to you in step 2 and the call will be transfered to your current extension/phone. You can also recover this call form phones with BLF buttons but pressing the BLF button that corresponds with the park location.